(This survey is to be used for entertainment purposes only.)
your world view:
1. I am optimistic about my future?
a. strongly disagree;
b. disagree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. agree;
e. strongly agree
2. People who care about me tell me that I have a lot of
positive view points?
a. strongly disagree;
b. disagree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. agree;
e. strongly agree
3. If something can go wrong for me, it will?
a. strongly disagree;
b. disagree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. agree;
e. strongly agree
4. I expect more good things to happen to me than bad?
a. strongly disagree;
b. disagree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. agree;
e. strongly agree
5. I hardly ever expect things to go my way?
a. strongly disagree;
b. disagree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. agree;
e. strongly agree
6. I rarely count on good things happening to me?
a. strongly disagree;
b. disagree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. agree;
e. strongly agree
7. When something misfortunate happens to me, I begin to think
that more
misfortune will come my way?
a. strongly disagree;
b. disagree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. agree;
e. strongly agree
8. I am more likely to see the strengths in myself than the
weakness in myself:
a. strongly disagree;
b. disagree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. agree;
e. strongly agree
9. If something can go wrong for me in the future, it will:
a. strongly disagree;
b. disagree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. agree;
e. strongly agree
10. When I do not succeed at a new skill, I think that I am
a. strongly disagree;
b. disagree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. agree;
e. strongly agree
11. When some misfortune happens to me, I think that it is “my
a. strongly disagree;
b. disagree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. agree;
e. strongly agree
12. I encounter more unhappy experiences than happy experiences?
a. strongly disagree;
b. disagree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. agree;
e. strongly agree
13. Things go my way most of the time?
a. strongly disagree;
b. disagree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. agree;
e. strongly agree
14. In uncertain times, I can expect the best?
a. strongly disagree;
b. disagree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. agree;
e. strongly agree
15. If something misfortunate happens to me, I expect the same
outcome in
a similar situation?
a. strongly disagree;
b. disagree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. agree;
e. strongly agree
16. I rarely count that good things will happen to me?
a. strongly agree;
b. disagree:
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. agree;
e. strongly agree
17. I see myself with more weaknesses than strengths?
a. strongly agree;
b. disagree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. agree;
e. strongly agree
18. During times of transition, I expect the worse?
a. strongly agree;
b. disagree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. disagree;
e. strongly disagree
19. Over the last several years I have had more positive
experiences than I have had negative experiences:
a. strongly agree;
b. agree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. disagree;
e. strongly disagree
20. Over the last several years I have had more negative
experiences than I have had positive experience:
a. strongly agree;
b. agree;
c. neither agree or disagree;
d. disagree;
e. strongly disagree
Here is how to score your answers:
For numbers: 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 13, 14, 16, 17 and 19 assign points
to your answers as follows:
a. 1 point;
b. 2 points;
c. 0 points;
d. 3 points;
e. 4 points
For numbers: 3, 5, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18 and 20 assign points
to your answers as follows:
a. 4 points;
b. 3 points;
c. 0 points;
d. 2 points;
e. 1 point
So, what is your world view?
Point Scale
80 points-60 points: Optimistic:
You tend to take the most hopeful views of a matter; 59 points-39 points: Realistic: You tend
to look at the actual existence of a matter; 38 points-20 points: Cynical: You tend
to find fault in the matter; 19 points-0 points: Pessimistic: You
tend to take negative, skewed view of a matter.
Survey Created By: Therese L.
Schmoll, M.A., LMFT MFC50082.
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